Thursday, September 01, 2005


To Michelle and Bryan:

You are enduring a lot this week in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. It could not have happened to people less deserving. But despite the great loss you’ve suffered—and I know that you feel you’ve lost more than a home and possessions, you’ve lost many things that trace the history of your lives together—I am happy that you are both alive and healthy! Hang in there. The worst is over.

My love, S

Click here to donate your support to the victums of Hurricane Katrina.

To Gen and Allyson:

My heart goes out to you and your family. Your grandfather was a wonderful man, and I'm lucky to have met him. My love, S

As a Japanese American, Bill Kazumi Ishida spent time in the US concentration camps during WWII, and he himself was a war veteran of later conflicts. He died at about a quarter to midnight, August 31, 2005. He was 88. There are few men who could live up to his stature.